PT Sistima Aliran Gas Nusantara


One of the leading industrial gas companies based in Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.Berdiri pada tanggal 8 February 8 1999, the company has been committed to service in a complete,, effective and efficient manner for the benefit of all company stakeholders..

PT Sistima Aliran Gas Nusantara business is transporting gas through pipelines

Menjadi Mitra Solusi Distribusi Gas Industri

  • Peningkatan Berkelanjutan dalam semua kegiatan bisnis
  • Menerapkan praktik bisnis yang beretika secara transparan dan baik di semua bidang kegiatan
  • Meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan memberikan kualitas pelayanan terbaik
  • With a total length of approximately 12,5 kilometer, our facility can transport and distribute gas up to 250 MMSCFD to industries located in Bontang-East Kalimantan.
  • Currently we serves several consumers from PT Pertamina Gas for the gas transportation and distribution such as PT Pupuk Kaltim..

Efficient and safe operation of the extensive network of natural gas pipelines